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How to Fix Email rejected by the Server

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Email rejected by Server

Gadgets have not only made our lives easier but also hassle-free and exciting, even though some might agree to the fact that it has also made it just as complex and stressful, especially in case of little bugs and errors that keep on occurring no matter how much you try to stray clear from them. 

One of the similar bugs that we will be highlighting today is the most annoying notification pop up of ‘Email rejected by Server’, laptops, computers, and now even phones are unable to run away from these messages.

However, this should ring a particular bell for iPhone users especially if one needs to recall the horror we felt when we were running late to mail a particular document or submit that assignment before the clock struck and this notification pops up right at that moment innocently highlighting that Email rejected by the server.

Email rejected by the Server

No matter how innocently it was spelled, it did strike as a punch as no one wanted to encounter this particular issue at the worst time possible! 

One could be using any Apple device for that matter where they are used to sending and receiving their mails.

Let us dive into the root of the issue and then present a few methods that might help in fixing one’s Email rejected by a server issue.


Main Causes Of  email rejected by the server in iPhone:

  1. Maybe one just switched to a new apple device or finally got that new iPhone or IPad that they had laid their eyes on for so long but when they put in their details in the mail account for the first time configuration, the issue rose up. 
  2. One of the other common reasons for this issue could be that you have put in the wrong details in your email settings or have not updated or reviewed them in a long time.
  3. One of the regular software updates that Apple released for IOS has caused the bug that is causing issues related to Email rejected by the server.
  4. Maybe someone has tried accessing too many accounts, or email accounts due to which the error is occurring.
  5. The common issue of network and connection problems is the reason here.
  6. Other points could also be that of wrong SMTP settings or details that are in urgent need of quick fix or update.

How to fix email rejected by the server in iPhone:


Fix 1.Reviewing connection and network settings-

One of the most basic issues is that of a faulty internet connection or a bad network due to a variety of reasons. Review all of these from your side and then refresh your device again.

Fix 2.Try re-installing the mail account-

Try to remove the account that has been saved previously by simple going to settings then passwords and accounts, after which you should remove or delete your mail account then refresh or restart the device again, after which add your mail account details again and then try sending the mail due to which the issue occurred. Make sure the email settings have the correct and appropriate details and that your email account credentials are placed both on the outgoing mail server as well as incoming mail server which is where the issue would most probably get resolved.

Fix 3.Go through the SMTP settings-

  • -Go through the general SMTP setting and update them if necessary, do not forget to make sure that the Email credentials that are entered are not wrong or in need of an update. 
  • -Also check the SMTP server settings, the option should be available inside accounts that are in settings, after that check carefully if your SMTP server under the primary server is pressed on ON there or not and if it is reflecting the same. If not, then make the change from off to on and enter the required details in the mail account as asked.
  • -Similarly, the SSL option should be turned on too, and make sure to save the changes and then exit.

Fix 4.Other issues-

  • -If the methods listed above does not solve the problem then it lies in one of the other issues such as configuration settings, VPN settings, firewall or antivirus issue, a possible IOS glitch that either occurred because of a software update or due to some internal or external issue. One could also contact their carrier or sim provider in the case of persisting network issues or issues related to internal software that should be technically handled by them. 
  • – Do not skip asking if the carrier itself is blocking, preventing, or not letting the email setting have an established connection with SMTP in which case only they would be able to provide further advice and assistance to fix it.
  • Contact or drop an inquiry to mail to either your carrier provider or the customer care service at the apple if the issue persists for definite assistance.

We hope by now you have effectively solved the issue of Email rejected by the Server

However, if the above-mentioned methods fail to work then we will have to contact Online Technical Support (Call @+1(802) 204 2009 TOLL-FREE)for help.

We provide 24/7 services with customer support and guarantees customer satisfaction. Best solutions are provided just by sitting at home and solving the error issue with the help of expert professional technicians.

You can also watch our video to solve your problem easily:

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