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Fix : Irql_Not_less_Or_Equal Error in Windows 10

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When you have just upgraded Microsoft operating system to a newer version – your system can face some regular bluescreen errors. The irql_not_less_or_equal Windows 10 error indicates an issue in some part of your external hardware or its driver. So in case you see it displayed on the screen, then read on below to find out its possible causes and how you can fix it.

Irql_Not_less_Or_Equal Error in Windows 10

Why does Irql_Not_less_Or_Equal Error in Windows 10 occur?

There are a few different causes behind this particular error, as listed below:

  • One of your hardware drivers could have become incompatible or corrupted.
  • Your device could have been attacked by a third party virus or malware.
  • Problem in hardware.
  • It could also be that your PC’s RAM has been over heated, due to some program or by simple overwork.

How to resolve Irql_Not_less_Or_Equal Error in Windows 10?

Before calling up for any technical service provider, try these easy fixing methods to solve irql_not_less_or_equal error in windows 10, yourself, here are how to do it:

Disabling utility programs

The most elementary way to get out of this would be to check the drivers and disable the problematic one. Just follow these two major steps:

  1. Identifying the one.

  • Each and every one of Microsoft’s operating systems come preinstalled with a tool called a verifier; its sole purpose is to find any potential problematic drivers.
  • It can be found by simply typing in verifier in the start menu.
  • On the option for creating standard settings, select all the drivers.
  • As your system finishes rebooting, select the drivers you want to scan from the list.
  • Sign into your computer one more time and your problem will be identified.
  1. Disabling

  • In order to disable the driver, switch your PC to safe mode so that you do not have any problem accessing the log in screen.
  • Open the run dialogue box and write a command called – devmgmt.msc
  • From the device manager box that opens, disable any driver that have an exclamation mark next to them.
  • After uninstalling them, check for irql_not_less_or_equal error in windows 10 once again.

disable driver


Remove Malware

Try doing a complete scan of your PC in order to zero in on any potential virus or bugs which may be harmful. This task is easy enough with the help of any anti-virus software installed in your computer.

After it is completed, check once if the error still persists

System Restore

Since users generally face this error after they have updated their OS, so you can perform a restore to its original state.

  • Open the run box with the Win and R keys.
  • The restore window will open after you enter – rstrui.exe
  • You can then choose the exact date and time to which you would like to restore the system back to.
  • Finally click on finish and restart the system for checking if the death screen error has been resolved or not.

system restore

Diagnose hardware

  • It can also be caused because of some issue in any of your external hardware, for this you should look for a memory diagnostic tool in your search bar.
  • Perform the scan to diagnose the issue.
  • You will be shown a list of all the bugs that exist in your system.
  • Get all the inoperative hardware replaced and chances are irql_not_less_or_equal error in windows 10 will be solved.

memory diagnostic tool


Cool off

This problem is also seen if the RAM has not been given time to rewind. In case you have been gaming a lot on your PC then all the heat generated by it can lead your system to overheat and crash ultimately.

To solve this, try to shut your computer down for a while, unplug everything and clear off any dust that might have been present. The next time when you switch it on the error irql_not_less_or_equal windows 10 might just be resolved by itself.

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