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Using Mac? Here’s Why a Robust Antivirus is Important for You

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Protecting your operating system with a high performance antivirus is essential, irrespective of which OS you use. Yet, some Mac users believe that it is immune to viruses and malwares.

This is not true. While there hasn’t been a successful virus—yet—that can bring down a Mac OS, malware and other maligning software can still corrupt your system.

Mac OS system is harder to intercept, but it isn’t impossible. Plus, a new virus can come around anytime—you wouldn’t want to risk your data, personal information and Mac usage.

Here are a few other reasons to install antivirus software on your Mac today:

Mac is becoming a lucrative target

Mac is a Unix-based OS which makes it more secure against online threats. Plus, these systems are only used by a small group of people.

These two factors have traditionally kept the hackers away. But this isn’t the case anymore. In fact, Mac has become more attractive for cybercriminals.

One of the reasons for this is that the Windows operating system, particularly Windows 8 and Windows 10, are more secure than ever. Hence, it is not as easy as a target anymore. Secondly, the small circle of Mac users include higher ratio of wealthier people.

In countries such as USA, market share for Mac is around 20% to 30%. So, even if there aren’t many viruses out there at the moment, there will be some soon.

New malwares are introduced every day

A few weeks ago, Fortune reported a new malware that freezes the browser on Apple devices.

Safari browser has mainly been attacked, but complaints from users who use other browsers have also been received.

You don’t want your device to hang up on you out of nowhere. This and several other malware, Trojans, spyware and adware are out there trying to break into your system.

An excellent antivirus will give you comprehensive security from all such maligning software. It will protect your business and personal data and keep your browsing safe.

Antivirus are more affordable than a new Mac!

Do you remember how much your Mac OS X cost you? You wanted the best operating system for your personal and/or business use.

If a malware or a new virus breaks into your machine and is able to reach its core, your investment will go to the bin. If you use a line of Mac devices for business, then a single virus or malware may affect all your systems.

Now, do you know how much an antivirus costs? Less than what you pay for coffee each week! Why not invest in protecting your Mac, then?

Installing, upgrading and scanning with reputed antivirus software is now easy with our online antivirus tech support service. We offer 24/7 help and support for Avast antivirus, Norton, Kaspersky, MacAfee and VIPRE software.

Visit our website, call our toll free number +1((866) 584-0601, or simply write to us at for antivirus support and services.

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