We get it; you’re convinced your business’s bottom line will be affected if employees are allowed full access to Facebook and Twitter.
Not only will productivity be affected but employees can possibly ruin your brand’s image by posting pictures, commenting and tweeting unwanted or undesirable content.
This is why 30% of employers block social media websites at work. Out of all social media platforms, Facebook is the most blocked site (one in five companies); followed by YouTube and Twitter.
To Block or Not To Block – That Is the Question
Social media has become an important part of life for today’s young generation. Since the boom of Millennials, workforce consists of a younger demographic.
Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube are largely used. In fact, social media is continuing to weave itself into the very fabric of the business world! This doesn’t mean all employers are comfortable with social media usage in the workplace.
Social Media Usage: Is It Endangering Your Brand?
Just a single tap of a keyboard and click of the mouse can prove disastrous to businesses that rely on good brand image.
Many employers decide blocking or limiting access to social media websites is the only solution of preventing negative impact on business. Those in favor of blocking social media give the following concerns about risks, which aren’t unwarranted if we think about it:
- Misuse of confidential information
- Inappropriate non-business usage
- Misrepresenting views of the business
- Harassment
In addition to the above mention concerns, majority of employers feel use of social media at the workplace is a complete waste of an employee’s time.
The Verdict: Using Social Media at Work Is NOT A Waste of Time
Enabling certain social media websites will actually help in the bigger picture i.e. taking your company’s business goal to another level. You can expect the following benefits of letting your employees use Facebook at work.
- Increased communication (external and internal)
- Free advertising of your business and services
- Skill-building of employees
- More networking opportunities
Companies must focus more on improving or implementing strong IT security protocols within their online processes. Better and more responsible internet and social media usage will automatically follow. Excel Tech Guru’s 24/7 antivirus and malware support will be with you every step of the way.
Contact us to learn more about our services and IT solutions. Visit our website or call the toll free number, +1 (833) 296-7844. You can also write to us at support@exceltechguru.com.